Post by Captain Candela Greene on Jul 1, 2007 20:12:34 GMT -5
Candela Greene: Ok then ****BEGIN SIM***
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::At her station scanning the surrounding area... Wondering where LT E'lita has been lately...::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::standing at her station at Tactical, Red alert status, sheilds are up, weapons are hot, eyes locked on Long and short range sensors::
Candela Greene: [CO]{XO] It would figure they would be inthis area.
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Scanning the Planet as they enter Orbit:[XO] There is definitely something down there
Teshurr: [XO][CO] I agree
Candela Greene: [CO]{CSCI] Anything on sensors?
Candela Greene: {CSCI/TAC]*
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI/TAC] ::Looks at the captian and looks back at her station:: [CO] Ma'am I'm picking up a damping feild... I don't think we are going to be able to communicate with the Federation...
Teshurr: [XO][HOPS] See if you could pin them down
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:15 PM
Candela Greene: [CO}{XO] I smell a trap. [TAC] Do a Tacyeon sweep of the area for possible cloaked ships.
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::In the Engine room monitoring the engines::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } { CO } just the damening field, I see no other ships
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI/TAC] [CO] Yes ma'am... ::Quickly does what the captian ordered...:: [CO] Negitive ma'am... But I do see alot of old trails that seem to be what you are looking for..
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } yes, Ma'am ::she taps some keys, initaiting a Tachyon sweep::
YunaTremayne: ( Aiden, I'm tac, dear )
aidenfrost1113: (sorry Cappy put CSCI/TAC so I thought I was lol)
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Trace those Ion Trails
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO] It on the suface, a small facility. Possibly a way station.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } Aye ::she puts a trace on the Ion trails:: { CO } The two trails match the two Klingon birds of Prey that attacked us earlier
Teshurr: [XO]{CO] We may have found a station on the surface
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAc] So they are from here. Thus they are down there. [CSCI] Do a spectral scan for any other ships down there.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Pulls a picture of E'lita out of her uniform that she had taken at the Galaxy Bar and Grill before they were banned and places it on her station::
YunaTremayne: ( I think Ca[[y put CSCI/Tac to indicate she was talking to both of us.. in which case I use a , to indicate I talking to more then one person.. lol )
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO] No life signs, so it's apparently abondoned. But heres something interesting.
YunaTremayne: ( ::hushes:: )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [CO] Roger ma'am ::She performs a spectral scan::
Teshurr: [XO] ::walks over to Ms. Love:: {HOPS} What is it Ms. Love?
Candela Greene: (My fault Ms Treymanye continue)
YunaTremayne: ( tis ok, Ms Greene *smile* )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::After her analysis, she finds something:: [CO] Ma'am I've found signs of temporal energy, it is simular to the Zentradi ships ma'am...
aidenfrost1113: (Sorry Yuna, my bad)
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::glance at Aiden:: { CSCI } temporal energy?
YunaTremayne: ( it's ok, Aiden )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] Yes, that is what the scans are showing...
Candela Greene: [CO}{XO] I deinitely don't like this
Candela Greene: defininitely*
Candela Greene: whatever*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::console beeps, she looks back, eyes widen:: { CO } Captain, sensors picking up a temporal disturbance 20,000 KM's off our stern!
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO]Look at the size of this facility. It's built for ships atleast 400 meters in length.
Candela Greene: [CO]{HOPS] Break Orbit, ge us out of here!
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Her eyes widen with LT Yuna::
Teshurr: [XO]::nods to the Captain as he waits for Ms. Love answer::{HOPS}Good work
GFVickyLove: [hops][Co}Aye ma'am
Candela Greene: *** ACTION A Pirate Cruiser resembling the Zentradi ship decloaks and open fire on the crusader. 3direct hits to the stern. Shield drop, an The shuttle bay is disabled
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Knocked around by the three blasts but holds on to her station to absorb the blow::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]:;Thrown to the Deck as the Crusader is hit. Power levels fall, he stuggles to his feet::+{CO] What the Blazes going on!
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } Pirate cruiser decloaking, weapons.. ::is cut off by the firing on the crusader, she fights to stay on her feet, then continues:: { Shield strength falling
YunaTremayne: *{ CO }
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Her console flashes, as she tries evasive manuevers::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Shaken up by the explosion but shakes it off, notices that her picture has fallen off her station and quickly picks it up and places it back in her uniform::
Candela Greene: [CO]::Thrown about::+{CENG} Get Us shields! [HELM] Evasive Manueves Ms Love.
Teshurr: [XO}[CO] What now captain?
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } return fire, Captain?
Candela Greene: [CO]{XO] Cover our Butts, and show them our Fangs. {HOPS} Try coming back around on them Ms Love.
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:30 PM
Candela Greene: (We have No rear Weapons they are not in our fire arc yet)
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::her fingers flying over her console, she re-calibrates the shields to compensate in the stern section, then brings the targeting sensors online::
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Pulls a High Energy Turn to face their Attacker::
Teshurr: [XO]{CO] Well that something different...I just hope thry don't blow us to little pieces first
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Fire at will
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Notices that her eye is brusing:: [CO] Ma'am they are using High Energy Plasma weapons!!!
GFVickyLove: (sorry my monitor is messed up}
aidenfrost1113: (Awww)
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::Tries compensating for shields::+[CO] 78% the Best I can give you.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ XO } not on my watch, sir ::she targets their weapons array as The crusader swings around, then launches a few quantum torpedos, with a mix from the Phasers
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] What do we have for power?
YunaTremayne: { Tac } =T= { CENG } re-route everything you can from non key systems
Candela Greene: *** CTION Directs hit to the Pirates ship, but it barely flinches as it return Fire 2 direct hits to the foward shields.
Candela Greene: [CO}:Rocks in her seat::[CSCI} Give me something constructive to work with. [HOPS] Find me a weakness.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } little damage done to pirate vessel ::is hit again:: Forward shields took a direct hit
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]+[XO] I took all replicators, Transporters, and the Holo suite offline. We're at 56% thats all we can afford. The shuttle bay is a mess
YunaTremayne: { Tac } =T= { CENG } gonna need more the 56%, Cheif
YunaTremayne: *then
Teshurr: [XO}+T+[CENG} I am on my way down to engineering to help out
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Torpedoes full spread.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } yes, ma'am ::taps a key, firing another spread of quantum torpedos, mixing in some temoral torpedos in with them
Teshurr: [XO] ::gets on the turbolift and heads down to engineering::
YunaTremayne: *temporal
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Tries protecting the Damaged area of the ship::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Hears the captains command and quickly thinks:: [CO] Well ma'am we analized their weapons at 122.7 GHz... What if we somehow match our sheilds to what they are throwing at us?
Candela Greene: *** ACTION the Pirate ship eats them for Breakfast fires again Direct hit PoShields.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } No damage to pirate ship.. it seems they are absorbing what we're firing at them
Candela Greene: [CO]{CSCI] Now your [TAC] Yuna match that frequency all weapons and Shilds.
Candela Greene: talking*
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Thinks again:: [TAC] Well... [CO] That is what I was about to say... *Smiles*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::hears the frequency from Aiden and she tapped in the recalibrations to the shields and weapons:: { CO< CSCI } Calibrations completed
GFVickyLove: [hop][CO] There are no Life Signs on that ship. Direct hit on Port Bow.
YunaTremayne: * { CO, CSCI }
Teshurr: [XO]::getting off the tubrolift...he start to engineering went one of bulkheads blow...hiting Teshurr and knocking to the he now lays there::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Tries syphoning Power from the IDF.::[XO] Good I need a hand here.
Candela Greene: [CO}{TAC] Good give them a tasteof their own medicine,
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Smiles as she hears the captains orders::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::smile:: { CO } With pleasure ::She taps the firing key once again, launching a spread of quantum torpedos, mixed with Temporal torpedos and phasers::
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Brings the ship in an attack Vector::
aidenfrost1113: (what is a IDF?)
Candela Greene: *** ACTION $ diect hits hit the Enemy ship, and takes out their foward weapons array, yet they get a shot off their ventral array. The Crusader Rocks.
Candela Greene: (Inertia Dampening Field)
YunaTremayne: ( i was wondering that too )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::This time she was not ready for the impact and fell to the ground banging her knee on the ground::
GF Mike Redman: (Tech lesson after the SIM lol)
aidenfrost1113: *Shockwave not impact*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::keeps her feet as the ship is hit again:: { CO } Direct hit to their forward weapons array, their ventral array is somewhat damaged::
Candela Greene: [CO}:;knocked out of her seat:: [ALL] Status
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:45 PM
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::taps a key, making a wide arc with the phasers, cutting across the shields and ventral weapons::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Lays there for a second:: [CO] I don't think to good ma'am... ::Looks at her leg that appears to be deformed and tries to get up and realizes it is broken::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Knocked over as the Warp Drive goes offline::[XO] We're gonna lose the ship at this point.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Holding her leg unable to get to her station no matter how hard she tries::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::sees Aiden and walks over to assist her:: { CSCI } Can you get up at all?
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] Let me try... ::As she tries to get up, the sound of her leg breaking more is heard as she falls to the ground crying::
Teshurr: [XO] ::is pin under a piece of deck plating that blow. ::
GFVickyLove: [hops]:;Held on as the Impact cause multiple consoles to arc:[CO] Lost our Ventral array with that hit. Hull Breach on Deck 4
Candela Greene: [CO]::Looks to and Grabs a Med Kit::[CSCI] Gonna have to do for now Lt.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::winces as she heard the leg breaking more, feeliong the pain empathically:: { CSCI } I would say no, pleae stay there
YunaTremayne: *please
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::He and another engineer help the Commander::[XO] Hold on Commander {ENG] Lift!
GFVickyLove: [hops][CO] Just lost Warp Drive
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::quickly moves back over to Tac and fires any weapons we have left::
Candela Greene: *** ACTION The enemy ship approaches the Crusader seeing it wounded, and Heals them.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] I'll be fine, please check on the XO...
Candela Greene: Hail*
aidenfrost1113: *Sratch last*
aidenfrost1113: *NVM*
Teshurr: [XO] :;has a large cut on his head and his left arms is broken in three places::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::blinks as console beeps:: { CO } Captain, we are being healed.. I mean hailed
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Throws the Debri to the side::+[MO] I need a Med team in Engineering STAT!
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Crawls over to the XO to try to help him even though she is in so much pain:: [XO] Don't worry sir, I'm here...
Candela Greene: [CO}::Blinks::[TAC] On Screen.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::key tap, putting hail on screen:: { CO } On screen, ma'am
Teshurr: {Teshurr isn't on the bridge...he near engineering)
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] Bravo Candela....Bravo. I call it a Draw. Although I could kill you all right now.
aidenfrost1113: *whoops*
Candela Greene: [CO]::Curls in Disgust::+[Juraan} Juraan....
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::she glared at the screen as Juraan came on::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Growls at the other CO's comments::
Teshurr: [XO]::looks up at CENG;;[CENG] Mr. Redman...nice to see you
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] Actually, I'm about 4 LY from here now. With Nova. Thank you for taking good care of her. If I didn't love you so much I would destroy you right now.
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]{XO] You Ok Sir?
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::mutter:: =T= { Juraan } destroy yourself..
Candela Greene: [CO]+[Juraan} Your just delaying the inevitable, I'm going to bring your butt in.
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] I think my left arm is broken in a few places beside that..I just fine..Ty for asking
Candela Greene: *** ACTION Just then the Crusader rocks from a Trilithium Detonation.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Still laying on the ground hearing Yuna's remark and chuckles:: [TAC] I agree... ::Still brushing tears from her eyes and preforms First Aid on herself::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::As the ship rocks, the First Aid kit flies from her hands:: [SELF] DAMN!!!
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] What is out statics?
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] That would be the Federation. That BOP had a Trilithium Bomb in it, as well as that ship you attacked. And unless you get there in about 10 minutes, it will detonate as well. Good byre Candela....I love you.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::that exposion was unexpected and she is thrust into a bulkhead when the ship rocks, feeling her shoulder and arm cracking in protest. she yelps in pain::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::Stumbles from the ship rocking::[XO] Warp is dead, Transportes are out, Shuttle bay is wrecked.
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 09:00 PM
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] OOOO the same old story for this ship...could you help me up
GFVickyLove: [hops] []oes a scan of the area:[CO] Captain....I'm getting Trilithium readings. It was a Trilithium explosion
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Finally retreaves the First Aid kit and uses it, as she gets up pain rushes through her body... She limps over to Yuna and patches her up the best she can::
Candela Greene: [CO]::Brushes off her self, as she sits::+[CENG} Mr Redman, I need Transporters in 10 minutes or we are all dead.
Candela Greene: *** PAUSE SIM***
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::At her station scanning the surrounding area... Wondering where LT E'lita has been lately...::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::standing at her station at Tactical, Red alert status, sheilds are up, weapons are hot, eyes locked on Long and short range sensors::
Candela Greene: [CO]{XO] It would figure they would be inthis area.
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Scanning the Planet as they enter Orbit:[XO] There is definitely something down there
Teshurr: [XO][CO] I agree
Candela Greene: [CO]{CSCI] Anything on sensors?
Candela Greene: {CSCI/TAC]*
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI/TAC] ::Looks at the captian and looks back at her station:: [CO] Ma'am I'm picking up a damping feild... I don't think we are going to be able to communicate with the Federation...
Teshurr: [XO][HOPS] See if you could pin them down
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:15 PM
Candela Greene: [CO}{XO] I smell a trap. [TAC] Do a Tacyeon sweep of the area for possible cloaked ships.
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::In the Engine room monitoring the engines::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } { CO } just the damening field, I see no other ships
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI/TAC] [CO] Yes ma'am... ::Quickly does what the captian ordered...:: [CO] Negitive ma'am... But I do see alot of old trails that seem to be what you are looking for..
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } yes, Ma'am ::she taps some keys, initaiting a Tachyon sweep::
YunaTremayne: ( Aiden, I'm tac, dear )
aidenfrost1113: (sorry Cappy put CSCI/TAC so I thought I was lol)
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Trace those Ion Trails
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO] It on the suface, a small facility. Possibly a way station.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } Aye ::she puts a trace on the Ion trails:: { CO } The two trails match the two Klingon birds of Prey that attacked us earlier
Teshurr: [XO]{CO] We may have found a station on the surface
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAc] So they are from here. Thus they are down there. [CSCI] Do a spectral scan for any other ships down there.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Pulls a picture of E'lita out of her uniform that she had taken at the Galaxy Bar and Grill before they were banned and places it on her station::
YunaTremayne: ( I think Ca[[y put CSCI/Tac to indicate she was talking to both of us.. in which case I use a , to indicate I talking to more then one person.. lol )
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO] No life signs, so it's apparently abondoned. But heres something interesting.
YunaTremayne: ( ::hushes:: )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [CO] Roger ma'am ::She performs a spectral scan::
Teshurr: [XO] ::walks over to Ms. Love:: {HOPS} What is it Ms. Love?
Candela Greene: (My fault Ms Treymanye continue)
YunaTremayne: ( tis ok, Ms Greene *smile* )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::After her analysis, she finds something:: [CO] Ma'am I've found signs of temporal energy, it is simular to the Zentradi ships ma'am...
aidenfrost1113: (Sorry Yuna, my bad)
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::glance at Aiden:: { CSCI } temporal energy?
YunaTremayne: ( it's ok, Aiden )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] Yes, that is what the scans are showing...
Candela Greene: [CO}{XO] I deinitely don't like this
Candela Greene: defininitely*
Candela Greene: whatever*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::console beeps, she looks back, eyes widen:: { CO } Captain, sensors picking up a temporal disturbance 20,000 KM's off our stern!
GFVickyLove: [hops][XO]Look at the size of this facility. It's built for ships atleast 400 meters in length.
Candela Greene: [CO]{HOPS] Break Orbit, ge us out of here!
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Her eyes widen with LT Yuna::
Teshurr: [XO]::nods to the Captain as he waits for Ms. Love answer::{HOPS}Good work
GFVickyLove: [hops][Co}Aye ma'am
Candela Greene: *** ACTION A Pirate Cruiser resembling the Zentradi ship decloaks and open fire on the crusader. 3direct hits to the stern. Shield drop, an The shuttle bay is disabled
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Knocked around by the three blasts but holds on to her station to absorb the blow::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]:;Thrown to the Deck as the Crusader is hit. Power levels fall, he stuggles to his feet::+{CO] What the Blazes going on!
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } Pirate cruiser decloaking, weapons.. ::is cut off by the firing on the crusader, she fights to stay on her feet, then continues:: { Shield strength falling
YunaTremayne: *{ CO }
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Her console flashes, as she tries evasive manuevers::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Shaken up by the explosion but shakes it off, notices that her picture has fallen off her station and quickly picks it up and places it back in her uniform::
Candela Greene: [CO]::Thrown about::+{CENG} Get Us shields! [HELM] Evasive Manueves Ms Love.
Teshurr: [XO}[CO] What now captain?
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } return fire, Captain?
Candela Greene: [CO]{XO] Cover our Butts, and show them our Fangs. {HOPS} Try coming back around on them Ms Love.
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:30 PM
Candela Greene: (We have No rear Weapons they are not in our fire arc yet)
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::her fingers flying over her console, she re-calibrates the shields to compensate in the stern section, then brings the targeting sensors online::
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Pulls a High Energy Turn to face their Attacker::
Teshurr: [XO]{CO] Well that something different...I just hope thry don't blow us to little pieces first
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Fire at will
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Notices that her eye is brusing:: [CO] Ma'am they are using High Energy Plasma weapons!!!
GFVickyLove: (sorry my monitor is messed up}
aidenfrost1113: (Awww)
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::Tries compensating for shields::+[CO] 78% the Best I can give you.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ XO } not on my watch, sir ::she targets their weapons array as The crusader swings around, then launches a few quantum torpedos, with a mix from the Phasers
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] What do we have for power?
YunaTremayne: { Tac } =T= { CENG } re-route everything you can from non key systems
Candela Greene: *** CTION Directs hit to the Pirates ship, but it barely flinches as it return Fire 2 direct hits to the foward shields.
Candela Greene: [CO}:Rocks in her seat::[CSCI} Give me something constructive to work with. [HOPS] Find me a weakness.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } little damage done to pirate vessel ::is hit again:: Forward shields took a direct hit
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]+[XO] I took all replicators, Transporters, and the Holo suite offline. We're at 56% thats all we can afford. The shuttle bay is a mess
YunaTremayne: { Tac } =T= { CENG } gonna need more the 56%, Cheif
YunaTremayne: *then
Teshurr: [XO}+T+[CENG} I am on my way down to engineering to help out
Candela Greene: [CO]{TAC] Torpedoes full spread.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } yes, ma'am ::taps a key, firing another spread of quantum torpedos, mixing in some temoral torpedos in with them
Teshurr: [XO] ::gets on the turbolift and heads down to engineering::
YunaTremayne: *temporal
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Tries protecting the Damaged area of the ship::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Hears the captains command and quickly thinks:: [CO] Well ma'am we analized their weapons at 122.7 GHz... What if we somehow match our sheilds to what they are throwing at us?
Candela Greene: *** ACTION the Pirate ship eats them for Breakfast fires again Direct hit PoShields.
YunaTremayne: { Tac }{ CO } No damage to pirate ship.. it seems they are absorbing what we're firing at them
Candela Greene: [CO]{CSCI] Now your [TAC] Yuna match that frequency all weapons and Shilds.
Candela Greene: talking*
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Thinks again:: [TAC] Well... [CO] That is what I was about to say... *Smiles*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::hears the frequency from Aiden and she tapped in the recalibrations to the shields and weapons:: { CO< CSCI } Calibrations completed
GFVickyLove: [hop][CO] There are no Life Signs on that ship. Direct hit on Port Bow.
YunaTremayne: * { CO, CSCI }
Teshurr: [XO]::getting off the tubrolift...he start to engineering went one of bulkheads blow...hiting Teshurr and knocking to the he now lays there::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Tries syphoning Power from the IDF.::[XO] Good I need a hand here.
Candela Greene: [CO}{TAC] Good give them a tasteof their own medicine,
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Smiles as she hears the captains orders::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::smile:: { CO } With pleasure ::She taps the firing key once again, launching a spread of quantum torpedos, mixed with Temporal torpedos and phasers::
GFVickyLove: [hops]::Brings the ship in an attack Vector::
aidenfrost1113: (what is a IDF?)
Candela Greene: *** ACTION $ diect hits hit the Enemy ship, and takes out their foward weapons array, yet they get a shot off their ventral array. The Crusader Rocks.
Candela Greene: (Inertia Dampening Field)
YunaTremayne: ( i was wondering that too )
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::This time she was not ready for the impact and fell to the ground banging her knee on the ground::
GF Mike Redman: (Tech lesson after the SIM lol)
aidenfrost1113: *Shockwave not impact*
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::keeps her feet as the ship is hit again:: { CO } Direct hit to their forward weapons array, their ventral array is somewhat damaged::
Candela Greene: [CO}:;knocked out of her seat:: [ALL] Status
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 08:45 PM
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::taps a key, making a wide arc with the phasers, cutting across the shields and ventral weapons::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Lays there for a second:: [CO] I don't think to good ma'am... ::Looks at her leg that appears to be deformed and tries to get up and realizes it is broken::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Knocked over as the Warp Drive goes offline::[XO] We're gonna lose the ship at this point.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Holding her leg unable to get to her station no matter how hard she tries::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::sees Aiden and walks over to assist her:: { CSCI } Can you get up at all?
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] Let me try... ::As she tries to get up, the sound of her leg breaking more is heard as she falls to the ground crying::
Teshurr: [XO] ::is pin under a piece of deck plating that blow. ::
GFVickyLove: [hops]:;Held on as the Impact cause multiple consoles to arc:[CO] Lost our Ventral array with that hit. Hull Breach on Deck 4
Candela Greene: [CO]::Looks to and Grabs a Med Kit::[CSCI] Gonna have to do for now Lt.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::winces as she heard the leg breaking more, feeliong the pain empathically:: { CSCI } I would say no, pleae stay there
YunaTremayne: *please
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::He and another engineer help the Commander::[XO] Hold on Commander {ENG] Lift!
GFVickyLove: [hops][CO] Just lost Warp Drive
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::quickly moves back over to Tac and fires any weapons we have left::
Candela Greene: *** ACTION The enemy ship approaches the Crusader seeing it wounded, and Heals them.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] [TAC] I'll be fine, please check on the XO...
Candela Greene: Hail*
aidenfrost1113: *Sratch last*
aidenfrost1113: *NVM*
Teshurr: [XO] :;has a large cut on his head and his left arms is broken in three places::
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::blinks as console beeps:: { CO } Captain, we are being healed.. I mean hailed
GF Mike Redman: [CENG}::Throws the Debri to the side::+[MO] I need a Med team in Engineering STAT!
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Crawls over to the XO to try to help him even though she is in so much pain:: [XO] Don't worry sir, I'm here...
Candela Greene: [CO}::Blinks::[TAC] On Screen.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::key tap, putting hail on screen:: { CO } On screen, ma'am
Teshurr: {Teshurr isn't on the bridge...he near engineering)
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] Bravo Candela....Bravo. I call it a Draw. Although I could kill you all right now.
aidenfrost1113: *whoops*
Candela Greene: [CO]::Curls in Disgust::+[Juraan} Juraan....
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::she glared at the screen as Juraan came on::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Growls at the other CO's comments::
Teshurr: [XO]::looks up at CENG;;[CENG] Mr. Redman...nice to see you
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] Actually, I'm about 4 LY from here now. With Nova. Thank you for taking good care of her. If I didn't love you so much I would destroy you right now.
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]{XO] You Ok Sir?
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::mutter:: =T= { Juraan } destroy yourself..
Candela Greene: [CO]+[Juraan} Your just delaying the inevitable, I'm going to bring your butt in.
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] I think my left arm is broken in a few places beside that..I just fine..Ty for asking
Candela Greene: *** ACTION Just then the Crusader rocks from a Trilithium Detonation.
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Still laying on the ground hearing Yuna's remark and chuckles:: [TAC] I agree... ::Still brushing tears from her eyes and preforms First Aid on herself::
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::As the ship rocks, the First Aid kit flies from her hands:: [SELF] DAMN!!!
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] What is out statics?
Candela Greene: [Juraan}+[CO] That would be the Federation. That BOP had a Trilithium Bomb in it, as well as that ship you attacked. And unless you get there in about 10 minutes, it will detonate as well. Good byre Candela....I love you.
YunaTremayne: { Tac } ::that exposion was unexpected and she is thrust into a bulkhead when the ship rocks, feeling her shoulder and arm cracking in protest. she yelps in pain::
GF Mike Redman: [CENG]::Stumbles from the ship rocking::[XO] Warp is dead, Transportes are out, Shuttle bay is wrecked.
Log Entry: STGF USS Crusader [Members - 6] 7/1/2007 09:00 PM
Teshurr: [XO][CENG] OOOO the same old story for this ship...could you help me up
GFVickyLove: [hops] []oes a scan of the area:[CO] Captain....I'm getting Trilithium readings. It was a Trilithium explosion
aidenfrost1113: [CSCI] ::Finally retreaves the First Aid kit and uses it, as she gets up pain rushes through her body... She limps over to Yuna and patches her up the best she can::
Candela Greene: [CO]::Brushes off her self, as she sits::+[CENG} Mr Redman, I need Transporters in 10 minutes or we are all dead.
Candela Greene: *** PAUSE SIM***